When referring to all of my other "learned outcomes", I want to say that the concept of leadership that I developed through TEST is due to the other things that I feel as if I learned there.
For example, I discussed creating opportunity and to understand that just enough is never enough. I want to say that I developed leadership qualities by taking these concepts and attempting to influence my intern class in understanding the same things, or at least playing along.
This means that rather than completing our "daily tasks", I asked them to join me in tasks that would be considered going the extra mile. I used skills in creating opportunity by developing projects for interns and then delegating assigned roles to get them done. In terms of going outside of my comfort zone, I never felt like the type of person to "boss others around" because that isn't leadership. Rather, I found ways to lead by including my team and holding them accountable to their responsibilities. I had to step out of my comfort zone, where usually I would just complete their responsibilities for them and look like the hero. However, a true leader wants the best for everyone involved and I didn't want to put them down in order to advance myself. This is where I would say that my leadership qualities shined through, especially in tasks that I created for us all on top of the ones given to us by our supervisors.
In addition, I feel as if I led best by leading through example. I wasn't going to force them to complete responsibilities or go the extra mile. But if they saw me doing so, I feel as if I led the team to perform better by implementing my learned outcomes, day in and day out.